Volunteers' Week 2017 - Meet Volunteers Nadia & Alison

For #VolunteersWeek2017 Volunteer Coordinator Sarah Parkes interviewed seven of the RWA's wonderful volunteers.
Meet Nadia Reid & Alison Paton!
How long have you been a volunteer at the RWA?
Just over a year, since last spring; the first exhibition I was involved in was Inquisitive Eyes.
What do you enjoy most about volunteering at the RWA?
So many things! Feeling that I'm contributing to the continuation of something significant and worthwhile, having the opportunity to spend time in a beautiful environment, meeting people who are so diverse yet all connected in their shared love of art and of course being exposed to a constantly changing array of art works. I work from home, for the most part on my own, so getting out and working as part of a team and interacting with the public is a fantastic counterpart to that. I particularly love helping with exhibition installations; it's so satisfying to see all the art in place and know that you've been a small part of that.
What has been your favourite RWA exhibition?
As a visitor, I loved the exhibition of Kate MccGwire's work back in 2015. As a volunteer, installing ‘Strange Worlds: The Vision of Angela Carter’ was an amazing experience. I've also loved seeing the artists' responses to the challenge of the Secret Postcard Auctions and playing 'guess the artist' with visitors and bidders!
Who is your favourite artist of all time?
Can't possibly limit it to one person! If I could own any one piece, it would be ‘Red Dog’ by Elisabeth Frink. My latest art crush is Hitomi Hoshono, who makes incredibly intricate, botanically inspired ceramic sculptures.
What is your favourite thing to do or place to go in Bristol?
A walk along The Dingle at the back of Blaise Castle Estate. There's an abandoned Mill there that I'd love to see brought back to life.
And lastly, what do you do when you are not volunteering at the RWA?
I'm an interior designer, working with homeowners to create beautiful spaces that work well and truly reflect their individuality. You can find me at www.nadiareidinteriordesign.com and facebook.com/nadiareidinteriordesign.
How long have you been a volunteer at the RWA?
3 years.
What do you enjoy most about volunteering at the RWA?
I most enjoy talking about art, seeing the shows and seeing people's reaction to the works. Meeting visitors: from those who are just interested in art, to practising artists and visitors who are there on the off chance or with their children. It's also a fantastic space, so just being in the RWA galleries. I also enjoy telling people about the Drawing School and giving information about the courses – and I have been a volunteer for the ‘Scribble and Sketch’ sessions.
What has been your favourite RWA exhibition?
The current ‘Drawn 2017’, with the ‘Lines in a Landscape: Drawings from the Royal Collection’ exhibition.
Who is your favourite artist of all time?
Cy Twombly.
What is your favourite thing to do or place to go in Bristol?
Christmas Steps.
And lastly, what do you do when you are not volunteering at the RWA?
I work 4 days a week at The Open University. I am also a practising artist and have had exhibitions at The Bristol Guild. You can find me here: www.alisonpaton.com.
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Find out more about joining the RWA as a volunteer!