New Artist Network Members 2019

We're delighted to welcome the following new Artist Network members to our roster:
Focusing on posture, Victoria’s androgynous figures are captured at the edge of movement with a gentle reminiscent humour present in their body language. Using wet clay or plaster, she gains a fluidity that condenses a pose to its bare essentials. Through this connection with the land she conjures up a sense of coming from the earth and being part of the natural life cycle. Monoliths and stone circles are evident, a sense of perpetual time and the feeling that something so still can evoke so much power. Although the poses of her sculptures are often static, their stillness has a presence.
My work also attempts to create complex compositions and tries to harness together very disparate elements of art: (drawing) lyrical and gestural abstraction with geometry and structure; spontaneity yet control, order and chaos; colour and form. The work essentially employs drawing and markmaking activities working together to provide a rhythmic ‘dynamic’ in the work in which colour is dominant. There are ‘accidental’ suggestions of figurative/organic forms which encourage a wider personal engagement with the work and its interpretation; but fundamentally the work is pure abstraction – non referential.
As I explore this psychological territory through colour, shape and line I find enigmatic, half-imagined forms, echoes of a dream or a childhood memory; abstract images moulded by thoughts, values, beliefs and experiences, as well as often reflecting the topography of the seen environment.
My process is mostly intuitive and meditative, an unfolding of thought in shape and colour. I seek a conscious relationship with my own Self through painting and a resolution of a piece often feels like a homecoming- yet to a place I’ve never been before.
The wide open landscapes of Britain in all weathers provide the inspiration for my landscape paintings. I love to study clouds whose wonderfully transient forms influence the light, shade and colour of the land and sea below. The sky is therefore my starting point for each painting as it determines the atmosphere for the whole piece. I allow the image to develop intuitively as I work, discarding representational accuracy to concentrate on the spirit of the place and create a sense of quiet solitude.
Fan Lee
Fan composes her artworks as a wordless tribute to the mother nature, life and environment.
Her works are characterized by the applying of ink brushes, nuance and tonalities delicately manifested to capture the sensational and transient moments of lights and shadows,landscapes and the nature.
Her works embody both oriental and western aesthetics and bring to the audience a realm of ethereality that characterizes oriental paintings, yet with a touch of western lyrical aesthetics.
My work is informed by memory and the world around me. I am compelled by character and atmosphere whether painting the figure, still life or landscape. I want to convey something of the aliveness, frailty and depth that exists in people and the many forms of beauty in nature. My paintings and collages contain varying degrees of figuration, abstraction and pattern.
I am open in my outlook and relentless in my practice happily allowing myself to follow my interests. I am much more concerned with what I am learning than what other people think of what I do.
Drawing on past experiences with printmaking, bookbinding and embroidery Janine has explored mark making through the carving and painting of leathers to create distinctive and appealing surfaces.
The simplicity of the process is important to Janine and she is working in as handmade a way as possible – “just me, a piece of leather, some lino tools and acrylic paint”.
Janine has spent the past year creating a distinctive visual language in her new chosen medium – experimenting with marks, composition and colour, playing with form and layering.
If you are interested in applying to become an Artist Network member, please click here. The next deadline for applications is 15 June 2019.