Celebrating Diversity and Empowering Women: just some of the reasons why Bishop Fleming were keen to support the RWA’s latest exhibition
We are always incredibly grateful for the sponsorship we receive for our exhibitions – without this support we would not be able to put on the exciting programme of exhibitions...
Meet our Unicorn Artists
We are very excited to be part of Bristol’s Unicornfest this summer! This art trail brings 60 beautifully decorated unicorn sculptures to the streets of Bristol and the surrounding area, we are...
Meet the Selectors - 170 Annual Open Exhibition
Each year, our selection panel takes on the enormous responsibility of deciding which submitted works will be chosen for and exhibited in the Annual Open Exhibition. Together, they look through all your submissions,...
Anna Atkins: The Blueprint
The RWA is known for its association with pioneering women in the arts, from its founder, Ellen Sharples, to its first female president, Janet Stancomb-Wills. In line with the RWA’s Season...
Q+A with Honorary Academician Professor Alice Roberts
Professor Alice Roberts is a biological anthropologist, author and broadcaster. She’s especially interested in the intersection between biology, archaeology and history and the interaction between humans and the environment through time. Alice...
Q&A with our new Academicians: Ian Chamberlain and Karl Singporewala
At the start of this year, we welcomed two more Academicians to the RWA. We caught up with them and found out what made them apply for Academician status and...