Dallas Collins
Art and science has played an important part within my work, whether it's science fiction or science fact. The idea that artwork is limitless has had a profound interest for me from a very early age. My artwork tries to give the viewer a sense of wonderment in showing the things that sometimes reside behind the mirror and not always in front. I'm a collector and over the years I've built up a cabinet of curiosities which contain a host of eclectic items that were given to me or sometimes just caught my eye. The relationships between these objects and the process of making intrigues me; they inform my work revealing structures that convey these complex feelings. I've lived with engineering and technology all my life and transferring these skills into art has played an important part in where I stand today as an artist. Imagination, appearance and experience, all these things make our world and reveal a truly infinite human machine.
Website: http://www.dallascollins.com/
Annual Open Exhibitions
About the RWA and the Annual Open Exhibition
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