We have designed this site to make it as accessible as possible for all users. However, you may wish to alter the way our website looks. Below we have listed a number of features that you are able to change with step-by-step instructions.
We have developed this site to be AA compliant with W3C Web Content Accessibility guidelines 2.0.
Changing the text sizes
You may want to change the text size in this website so the fonts display either larger or smaller. This can be done by using the browser menu, or by pressing control (ctrl) and the + or - keys.
To change the font using the browser menu, follow these instructions: In Internet Explorer, select Text Size from the View menu item. Then choose the preferred size.
Images and alt texts
All images used on the site include 'Alt' tags descriptive text alternatives. This allows users to see what the image is meant to convey even if it doesn't load, or if images have been switched off or if using a screen reader to read the web page rather than view.