Onny Thomson
Onny’s teaching practice is based on interventions that aim to explore the boundaries of drawing, break old habits and refresh enthusiasm for creativity. Her classes utilise a range of funny tools made from bits and pieces of coiled wire that bob about and are hard to control as a way of exploring the language of drawing, personal expression and unexpected elements that make art and life interesting.
Using the sense of touch is a conduit to broaden observational skills and offers alternatives to the way we see and the way we draw. Of the self-portraits Onny says, ‘I love the strange emerging look of a touch drawing, rooted in observation of the real world and yet to all appearances comes from another’.
The Experimental and Technique drawing course offers basic drawing skills that are expanded upon, in which the act of drawing can be very physical, highly charged and experiential. The hope is that participants come away feeling more confident in their own abilities, energised and inspired to do more.
Onny completed a BA with first class honours in Drawing and Applied Arts at UWE Bristol in 2005. She is coordinator of DRAW artist group that has produced many innovative drawing events and workshops in Bristol and beyond. For years she has been a supporter of the Campaign for Drawing in the belief that the experience of the potency of drawing should be made available to all.