Junior Drawing School - Fabric Fun

Junior Drawing School - Fabric Fun




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10:30am - 12:30am, Monday 15th February 2021

Suitable for 7-12 year olds

Let us celebrate LGBTQ+ History month together, in this bright, positive, joyful and colourful textile workshop. We will talk about affirming visual symbols, learning about why we stand up for people and celebrate love and kindness. 

This is an opportunity to understand the different properties of fabrics, and to learn about colour and building depth, using fabric scraps as your paint palette. Artist Melissa Cooney will guide children to build their textile illustration in layers. She will then instruct adult helpers to fix the fabric to the background and then children will follow her lead on some simple stitching to bring the artwork to life. 

It is hoped that this class can run in the Drawing School room at RWA in person. By booking this class, you agree that if Covid-restrictions mean that this cannot go ahead in person at RWA, it will be run as a digital class via Zoom. (The Zoom link and password will be sent to you at least the day before the workshop. You will also be sent a materials list the week before the workshop if you have booked in time.) 
Due to coronavirus closures we are having to make decisions on our programme last-minute that mean some activities have to be delivered online.


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